My parents had parents. It’s called the created order.
So God created man in his own image,
in the image of God he created him;
male and female he created them. Genesis 1:27
We all come from somewhere, and that always means our parents. It goes way back.
This is a gallery with pictures of my grandparents and my parents before my parents were married.
Frank & Teresa (Ciccolella)Tatulli, my dad’s parents, my grandparents
John and Angelina (Corte) Longiaru, my mom’s parents, my grandparents
Jennie Longiaru, my mom… maybe a teenager
Jennie and a nice lady
Joe at about 4 years old
Joe at maybe 9 and Uncle Enzy at 4.
Rita, Egon, Irma, circa 1935
Jennie the movie star
Love note to my dad fighting in Europe, WW2
Jennie with Betty and Egon, my uncle and aunt
Jennie on a big stump
Jennie leaning on the tree at RW Park.
Jennie and sister-in-law, my aunt, Betty
Feeding the geese with Amy, my aunt
Fashion Jennie
More fashion
Nice but strange angle
Jennie the slugger
Ezio, my uncle, and Jennie
More fashion
Not a candid
Grama Tatulli and my mom
Jennie, ?, Amy
Jennie at the beach…
…with Joe at the beach
Clowning around at RW Park – Betty, Egon and Joe
GQ cover 1
GQ cover 2
Ezio and Joe with the Swami
Joe and Jennie on the bikes
Lounging at RW Park – Ezio, Amy, Jennie, Joe
Jennie looks like she’s about to lose her cool
A walk in the park
Standing in the park
Mob scene
Joe and Jennie at the beach
More beach
With Nona at the beach
Egon, Jennie and Joe at RW Park
In NYC 2
Was Joe a mobster? NOT!
Jennie in NYC
Joe and his brother, my uncle, Enzy
Sweethearts during WW2
Sweethearts during WW2 closer
Joe with a niece or nephew
Uncle Anthony
Uncle Anthony and cousin Bobbie
Joe and Enzy on the steps at 36 Carovilli Street
The whole Tatulli gang in the backyard at Carovilli St.
Tatulli and Longiaru family portrait
Uncle Alex and Joe standing – Egon, Betty, Carol, Doris and Ezio sitting
Amy and Jennie with nieces
Tatulli 1940 census page – Click image to see image at full size